Author name: Christian Alexander

(ex)Catholic monk. Founder of Man Fully Alive. Combining ancient spiritual wisdom with modern breakthroughs for Christian men seeking more.

Oh my Queen, Where Art Thou?

So I’ve been reading this fantastic book called Deeper Dating. It was the result of a few painful conversations with my life coach about why I was sabotaging all my potential relationships, or mostly just not even looking for them. I knew that not dressing well-enough, or having the right pick up lines wasn’t what was […]

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An Endangered Species

The ideal Catholic is sagacious, commanding, courageous, debonair, persuasive and driven to influence the world. Unfortunately, (s)he’s an endangered species. Instead, Catholics today tend to be insular, judgmental, ill-informed and well, lacking most of what is essential to being Catholic. There’s a difference between the worldliness that the Gospel warns against and allowing ourselves to become

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The Slow Death of The Modern Hookup Culture

The death of modern dating has been coming for a long time. For Lisa Bunnage, parenting coach and the presenter of a Ted Talk on today’s hookup culture, it started in the 60’s when child-rearing adults began shirking their responsibilities as parents. As women gradually gained access to the workforce (a good thing, mind you)

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When sex is just not enough

As Lauren Peterson recently discovered, modern dating sucks. She had met Michael over Bumble, and they started hooking up every Monday night after both agreeing that they weren’t looking for love, or any sort of commitment in particular. After six weeks, Lauren had the routine down. Every Monday evening she would walk over to Michael’s apartment,

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